Getting reacquainted with my yoga mat.

I first started practicing yoga when I was going through my divorce. I needed a release, something that was just for me. It was only once a week but something about it brought me peace. Eventually I found the cutest little yoga studio/boutique. The place had the most amazing energy. I felt so at home there. I signed up for a monthly membership and was practicing three times weekly.  Oh and did I mention they had wine tastings on Thursdays? Yoga+Wine (that was probably my favorite class)! I gained the strength and confidence that I had been lacking. I found myself. I felt I was meant to be there. But all good things must come to an end. My schedule changed and I just couldn’t find the time. Then, to my dismay, the studio closed.Now that I own my own business, I have more flexibility. And I need to get out and DO something. So I found a studio close by and signed up for a two week new student package. Today was my second class. The owner of the studio was there today. I’m not gonna lie, that was a tough class! I haven’t practiced in probably 2 years. I’m a bit out of shape. But I must say I did better than I thought I would, and my balance wasn’t as bad as when I first started practicing. Muscle memory? Who knows. I do know that it felt great to be back on the mat. I also know that I will most likely be sore tomorrow (ok, maybe I am already feeling it).I sometimes think about that little studio that became my first yoga family, the good vibes I felt as soon as I walked in. My favorite part of practice was Savasana. No, not because it’s the end of class and you can basically take a nap. But because whatever the reading was, it always seemed to be in alignment with where I was on that particular day. Today was no different. The instructor read these words from Melody Beattie. “Yes, you have visions you’ve created of where you want to go. But you don’t get there in one leap. You get there one step at a time. That’s how you receive your guidance. That’s how you respond to the guidance you’ve received. Let your faith be strong. Your faith will keep you going through those moments in between steps. When your faith is strong you don’t look in fear at the journey ahead, wondering if you will get the guidance you need, or if you will get to where you’re going. You know you will, so you take the simple steps, one at a time, that lie ahead. You take them in joy, because you know you’re being guided. You have faith that the simple steps you are led to do will take you to your destination.”These words resonated deep within my soul. I felt this surge of emotion come up from inside of me. Tears filled my eyes. This has happened to me before during Savasana, an emotional release. I knew what it was, and I know that it happens. But I still feel silly. Who cries during yoga? Me. When I took this leap of faith with my business I knew that it would take time, that it wouldn’t happen overnight. And I am ok with that, I accept it. But sometimes I get discouraged and the doubt and fear start to creep in. What if I fail? What if I don’t get enough clients? What if I can’t make a living? What if, what if, what if? I’m going to be honest, this is where I have been the last couple of weeks. I may not show it on the outside, but it’s been there in my subconscious. This was a great reminder for me. My faith IS strong. I KNOW I am being guided. I just have to keep taking the steps, one at a time. And keep the faith for the moments in between. Who knows where those steps will lead? Maybe one day I will have my own space where someone will show up and feel welcomed and at peace…and like me, find themselves.Namaste.