Like for days (or even weeks)? And you don’t know why you are feeling the way you are? Everything seems to be going along just fine, so why do you feel so low? There is always a reason.

This happened to me recently. I had some energy work done and I was feeling pretty good. I was in the flow, writing, getting shit done, my work calendar was filling. And then, all of a sudden, I wasn’t. The flow was simply gone. And this was affecting everything. My mood, my motivation, my productivity, my business. So what happened?

After a few days, I sat down with my journal and started writing. Through my writing, I realized what it was that knocked me off balance. I then messaged my coach (who holds nothing back and I love her for it), she came back with a few things, and I went back to my journal. This was probably a 4 or 5 hour process.

Here’s what I discovered. A week or so ago, I saw something on Face Book (social media…so good in some ways, so bad in so many others) that triggered me. I honestly didn’t even know that it had triggered me. I saw it, was like “whatever” and that was the end of it. Or so I thought. Seriously, it was just a blip of time. But if affected my entire reality. Even though I didn’t think I was bothered by it, on a subconscious level it was there. Having a party. “Woo hoo! We got her again, and she doesn’t even know it!!” It totally brought me back to a very unhappy place, without me even realizing it.

Once I recognized it, I was able to work through it (with my trusty journal; see a theme here?). I wrote out the whole process, what had actually happened to trigger me, where it brought me back to, how I felt back then. This goes back to my piece on forgiveness from last month. Yes, I forgave. And it brought me some peace. But there was something that I was holding onto, Someone I just couldn’t quite get there with. When I talked with my coach about it, she asked how my being angry with this person was serving me? What could I choose instead? I gave this some thought. And then I wrote down all of the things I have accomplished over the last four years.  

Ready? Here we go. I am no longer financially dependent on anyone. I am a homeowner and a landlord. I raised a strong and independent young woman who has spread her wings and is on her own journey. I quit a job that made me miserable and did not feel good in any way. I took a chance and started my own business. I followed my dreams and overcame obstacles in becoming a nationally certified Reflexologist. I am in a healthy relationship. I am so much more confident. I write, a lot. I wanted a simple, happy life. I wanted to do things my way. And that is what I have done. I’m living my best life!

So what do I choose instead of anger towards this person? Gratitude. Yep. I’m grateful. Grateful and thankful. And with that, I surrendered and released those shitty feelings. Let them go. And honestly, it was only a matter of hours before things started improving for me. That is how quickly it can happen. Oh, there is still work to do. There will always be work to do. But it’s so much EASIER for me now because of all the work I have already put in up to this point. It wasn’t easy at the time, working through all of the crap. It was hard. It sucked. But I did it. Now it’s just recognizing those areas that may need a little extra help. And remembering how far I’ve come.

Forgiving and letting go can be extremely difficult, sometimes it feels easier to hold on to anger and resentment. But it’s not REALLY easier. Not in the long run. Negativity, of any kind, can affect so many things in your life. Your mental and physical health and your happiness being the big ones. It holds you back, keeps you down.

So the next time you are in a funk, ask yourself why? And when you figure it out, address it! Face it head on. It can be scary, it can suck. If you’re like me, you will probably cry…a lot!! But don’t ignore it, don’t push it back down. Because it won’t go away. It will keep showing up in your life. Acknowledge it, work through it, release it. And you will see a change. I promise.

PS – It’s been about a week since I wrote this. Two days ago I was triggered yet again by the SAME FREAKING THING!! I recognized it and felt the change in my vibration instantly. Because I had already worked through it, I was able to switch back to that feeling of gratitude within minutes. This shit works!