God Bless America.

It’s been a while since I’ve felt like writing. I feel like my mind has been hijacked by all the crap going on in this country, and the world, the last couple of weeks. I literally can’t seem to pull myself away from it. I find myself falling into the abyss, even...


I’ve been doing some self-reflection the last few days, thinking about this past year. Although COVID certainly brought many different challenges to all of us, my 2020 was not all bad. Here are some of my highlights. First off, I would like to congratulate myself. I...

It’s Just Brownies

*I wrote this a couple of years ago when I was still working for Home Health and Hospice. I came across it when I was organizing some things for the new website, and thought it was the perfect time to share. No matter how small the gesture may seem to you, be it a...

Have you ever been in a funk?

Like for days (or even weeks)? And you don’t know why you are feeling the way you are? Everything seems to be going along just fine, so why do you feel so low? There is always a reason.This happened to me recently. I had some energy work done and I was feeling pretty...

A Letter to My Mom

It’s been four years since you left us. Four years ago I thought I would die too. From grief. Sometimes I wished that I WOULD die. So I didn’t have to feel that pain, that ache, that emptiness in my heart that just wouldn’t go away. You wouldn’t have been very...


Road block. Detour. Speed bump. Setback. Hiccup. We all experience them. We all react to them. How we react to them is key.Sam was supposed to graduate from boot camp this past Thursday. She called me last Saturday evening to tell me that she was being held back for 2...