Pure Joy.

A couple weeks ago I went Christmas shopping with Marc. I wasn’t really feeling it, but I went anyway. What a good sport he is to put up with my moodiness this time of year and for trying to pull me out of it. It’s not that I don’t like Christmas. I have always loved it. But there are a lot of emotional triggers for me these days. I can literally go from laughing to crying in the blink of an eye. Those of you who know grief know what I am talking about.

Our last stop of the day was Barnes and Noble. Marc and I split up, he went one way and I another. As I usually do when I am in a bookstore, I got lost browsing through titles, trying to find just the right book. After searching the entire store for me, Marc finally discovered me in the back corner, which holds New Age/Spirituality/Witchcraft books (sometimes I wonder what he really thinks of me…haha). 

With a book on Akashic records for me and a book on presidents for Marc’s grandson, we headed to the registers. There happened to be an author there who was doing a book signing. After we paid and were heading out, the author picked up a microphone and began singing. We stopped to listen and I noticed a young man with severe mental disabilities. He had the biggest smile on his face and was clapping and dancing. I couldn’t stop watching him. There was a look of pure joy on his face. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before. Or at least never actually recognized it for what it was. Pure Joy. Fighting back tears, I told Marc I had to leave before I made a complete spectacle of myself.

The tears weren’t because I was sad, or felt bad for him. Just the opposite. He heard the music and wanted to dance, so he did. With no inhibitions, no constraints. He just heard the music. He went with what he was feeling.  His happiness just lit him up. Like that saying, he danced like nobody was watching. 

We all need to learn to do that. Stop thinking so much and just go with what we are feeling. Hear the music. Dance like nobody’s watching. And if they are watching? Who cares!