I don’t like spiders and snakes……and that ain’t what it takes to love me. (sorry but it’s a catchy tune)

I recently have been seeing spiders. Real spiders in my house, fake spiders, pictures of spiders. Spiders everywhere, including the above photo of Barbie and Ken! On a Facebook group I belong to, I asked a friend of mine what she thought the meaning of this could be. Her response was “it could be your totem animal. Ask to see 3 of your totem over the next 2 days.”

I have heard of spirit animals, but I am not too familiar with totem animals. My first thought was “Spiders. Really??” Not ten minutes after I read her response, I saw a daddy long leg. Hmmm. What does this mean? I decided to let it go and not think too much about it. Sure enough, over the next thirty-six hours, I saw 2 more spiders. 

So I googled it, of course. On one website, www.legendsofamerica.com, I read the Totem Spider stands for balance, wisdom and creativity. On another, https://whatismyspiritanimal.com, people born with a spider totem understand and maintain the delicate balance between the physical world and spirit. We are also good communicators, and, I quote, “writers very often have a spider totem.” I found this interesting, as I love to write and have always wanted to write a book. During a mediumship session with my friend Necole probably a year ago, my angel mom passed along through Necole that I should “keep writing.” So I’m just going with it! 

Remembering that I had a book on animals and their spiritual and magical powers, I dug it out. I have never even read it. Of course, I am now reading up on the spider totem. What I am learning: According to Native Americans, the spider is the grandmother, the link to the past and future. “Spider teaches you to maintain a balance –  between past and future, physical and spiritual, male and female.” (Animal Speak, Ted Andrews)

I struggle with the balance of past and future. Maybe the spider is trying to tell me to work harder to find that balance. To let go of the past, leave it in the past, do not bring it into the future. I think I will meditate on this for a few days and see what happens.